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How To Clean A Keyboard





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



How To Clean A Keyboard(圖1)-速報App

Learn the most simple and easy ways of cleaning your keyboard with the amazing How to Clean a Keyboard App!

Late night snacks, drinks & sticky thing reduces the efficiency of a good working keyboard and we need to avoid such things and keep them away from the keyboard. We should examine our keyboards every once in a while to keep them free from dust, and other bacteria. Working on a good and clean keyboard not only increase your productivity but also gives the users a feeling of calmness and serenity.

Adopting a careless habit and routine of eating on the computer table can lead to horrible consequences for the keyboard and can cost you hundreds of dollars. It is important to protect your keyboard from such incidents and to learn the right way to clean the keyboard without making it lose its working capability. Rather it be the keyboard of your personal computer or the computer at workplace, cleaning the keyboard in the most effective manner is utmost important.

Quite often, people adopts inappropriate ways of cleaning a keyboard and it damages the keyboard permanently. In order to avoid such an incident, we had developed How to Clean a Keyboard App whose sole purpose is to educate the common computer users about the best way of cleaning the keyboard at home or workplace.

How To Clean A Keyboard(圖2)-速報App

The Amazing Features of How to Clean a Keyboard App are:

• Step-By-Step Instruction

• Simple & Easy

• Very Detailed

How To Clean A Keyboard(圖3)-速報App

• Don’t Damages the Keys

• Increase the Life of Keyboard

• Best for All Kinds of Keyboards

Here's a list of content included in this app:

How To Clean A Keyboard(圖4)-速報App

How To Clean A Keyboard On A Laptop

How To Clean A Keyboard Mac

How To Clean A Mechanical Keyboard

How To Clean A Sticky Keyboard

How To Clean A Keyboard(圖5)-速報App

How To Clean A Keyboard Without Compressed Air

How To Clean A Laptop Keyboard Without Removing Keys

How To Clean A Keyboard Piano

How To Clean A Keyboard Spill

How To Clean A Keyboard(圖6)-速報App

How To Clean Keycaps

Mechanical Keyboard Cleaning Kit

How To Keep Keyboard Clean

How To Clean Steelseries Keyboard

How To Clean A Keyboard(圖7)-速報App

Contact Cleaner Mechanical Keyboard

Cleaning Mechanical Keyboard Sticky Keys

How To Clean Greasy Keyboard

The primary objective of How to Clean a Keyboard App is to educate the common users about the right ways of cleaning a keyboard and avoid the disastrous consequences of cleaning a keyboard in the wrong way. The app is constantly updated with new methods and effective techniques of cleaning a keyboard regularly.

How To Clean A Keyboard(圖8)-速報App



How To Clean A Keyboard(圖9)-速報App